These times are indeed very uncertain and uncertain time’s call for strategic and smart positioning.
Every event has the potential to turn around your image, RO or any desires under certain circumstances. As the best-experienced event management enterprise DOXA DIGITAL Nigeria would like to share with you essential nuggets that will enhance your skills and experience on organizing your next event.
It is your signature
Every event carries your signature. This is invariably saying that event carries certain identities that describe your brand. Without having a session or interview your personnel, attendees can describe precisely who you are and what you represent. This, however, calls for a deliberate packaging of all aspects of the events that showcases what you represent. Irrespective of the size of the event no aspect of the packaging should be toiled with. You may never say when that next big client may come in and be interested in networking with you. When you consistently make this a calculated character for all events, you are deliberately setting up yourself for the real deal.
Your competence speaks
It was Jaggi Vasudev that said that “if you want to be successful, don’t seek success, seek competence, empowerment, do nothing short of the best that you can do”. In the events industry, competence guarantees a consistent flow of business, or simply put, you will be in high demand. Competence makes you different from the pack, no matter how popular the other may be, your competence is the value that will pay off. Once your clients know that they can trust you to deliver on that project, they do not mind paying what you are worth.
So, one of the ways to show off your competence is to create an event that will expose your prowess to the world. People are looking for solutions from competence sources, people who know what they are doing.
Multiplying effect
You can never say completely who’s at your event at a certain time. The world now works as a web. So, there are very high possibilities that just one’s person’s word of mouth referral to another could earn you that multiplier effect and you may never see the end of that single transaction. That one audience or guest who enjoys a favourable experience would like it replicated in his or her instance, say maybe his or her birthday party, anniversary and so on.
How about an organisation inviting you to come and replicate the same exploit at their conference, seminar or workshop? Interestingly, your next client may come from that event and that may be the only opportunity to make a lasting impression on the minds of many of your prospects.
As the best-experienced event management Enterprise Company and the Top events managers in the FCT Abuja, we have just shared some very critical tips from our wealth of experience; please feel free to contact us for more guidance and enquiries OR
Call +234 803 599 3233
+234 803 453 6082
Written by: Mfonabasi Udoh Barry
Mfoanabasi Udoh is a content strategist, a PR professional and works with DOXA DIGITAL